If you want added security of your business, then you should consider an Access Control System. Most small businesses use traditional lock and keys. While it’s a tried and true standard, an access control system can reduce security risks and avoid costly mistakes. Even retail businesses and pharmaceutical companies should limit certain areas they want to be restricted from customers and employees. Here are six reasons why you should invest in business security systems.
No More Lost Keys
The moment that one of your employees quit and doesn’t return his or her keys, you have to spend money to make new company keys and change the locks if that employee is volatile or dangerous. This is also the case when an employee loses his or her keys. When you use commercial security systems, your business can immediately remove the employee’s access to your business through the system and issue a new card to a new employee in the future. With this added benefit, you don’t have to worry about the safety or security of your business.
Know Who’s Coming and Going
Whether your business is big or small, it’s important to know who’s coming and who’s going. This is important if your business has merchandise and other types of property that is likely to be resold. Maybe someone you’ve given access to your business is stealing from your business. Clinics, doctor’s offices, laboratories, pharmacies, and other businesses that use pharmaceutical drugs are at a higher risk of having their property stolen.
You can use business security systems to keep track of who’s entering and leaving the premises. You’re able to automatically track who enters and leaves and the times they arrive and leave. This eliminates the need to hire someone who checks in guests.
Secure Sensitive Information
Maybe your business has sensitive information that should only be accessed by your employees. You want to ensure that your employees with the appropriate clearance level have access to that information in the given area it’s held. Commercial security systems can prevent this sensitive information from leaving the business. If your business has insider secrets or secure data, then you should invest in this monitoring system.
Restriction to Certain Areas
There are situations in which employees aren’t granted full access to every closet, floor, and office. For example, the HR department may have access to sensitive information and other personal information that shouldn’t be accessed by the rest of your employees. You can use access control cards to restrict access to certain areas of your business. This prevents your employees from accessing the private areas of the HR office.
Save Energy and Money
Alarm monitoring services may sound like a big investment, but it can help you save money on energy costs. That’s because it can be integrated with your lighting or heating and cooling system. Advanced alarm monitoring services can also monitor your energy and lighting levels. It can provide your building with the right amount of light or adjust the temperature depending on the season.
Reduce Theft and Accidents
An Access Control System provides approved or trained employees access to certain areas of your business. Your business may want to restrict access to your inventory or supply room so you can keep track of your expensive supplies. Or, you may want to limit access to areas that have hazardous chemicals and materials so you can reduce the chances of an untrained employee becoming exposed or injured. This can reduce the amount of workers’ compensation forms you would file within a year.